Saturday, July 16, 2011


This is an ad that was made for Subway. It depicts their spokesperson Jared holding up the "fat pants" that he used to wear prior to losing all of his weight from eating all of the Subway sandwiches. This is an ad that speaks to overweight people all over the nation. The people of America are constantly looking for ways to lose the pounds without losing the taste. Subway is feeding off of people's desire to get skinny. Jared, Subway's spokesperson, is sort of a look into the future for the customer. As in, this is what you could look like if you come and eat at Subway.

Their marketing tactic is very smart. They are selling a lifestyle, one that appeals to the average joe. While they are selling their sandwiches and other various lunch items, they are also selling Jared. Jared was just an average man who used Subway to lose weight. Subway is appealing to the every man who will be eating their sandwiches. Instead of having an employee telling someone in a commercial that their sandwiches are healthy, they have a real customer tell the customers that it really did work for him. This gives Subway a positive face for their brand as well as creditability with their customers.



Saturday, July 9, 2011

Burger King Ad

The tagline in this ad is "Silly Whopper, thats a Big Mac box". This advertisement for Burger King is trying to make a jab at their competitor, McDonalds. It is showing the consumer what kind of portion they would receive if they ordered a Big Mac at a MacDonalds location, by comparing the box of a Big Mac to that of a Burger King Whopper. It can be clearly seen that the Whopper is to big for the Big Mac box, and therefore superior to the Big Mac itself.

Burger King and McDonalds have been rivals since they first opened their doors and they will continue to compete with each other. This is just one of many ads that are shown by both Burger King and McDonalds in order to have the consumer frequent their place of business instead of their rival. They continually bring up each other in their campaigns in order to make their competitor seem to have inferior products than their's.

This ad is targeted at the average American. The American population is one of the most morbidly obese populations in the world and this has alot to do with fast food and the terribly large portion sizes. As you can see in this commercial, many people and companies feel that bigger makes everything better. The fast food chains continue to compete with each other by trying to match or increase their portion sizes so that consumers feel that they are getting the better deal by going to the place that will give them more bang for their buck.

Free Credit

Something that I noticed about this ad is that it is false. It boasts about a consumer being able to check their credit score for free. This is not so. I have learned from experience that this is true because I personally signed up for in order to tell what my credit score was exactly. I initially thought that this would be a great way to keep everything updated and so I knoew where I was at, and I was sorely dissappointed.

This ad is being served to the younger adult crowd. Mostly people who are getting their first credit card or are handling their own finances by themselves for the first time. They display a band with one main guy and they all seem to be in there mid to early twenties. They make the consumer believe that having a bad credit score will ruin the rest of their lives and they need to keep track of it in order to get what they want out of life. They are basically saying that if people want the fancy houses and cars, then they need a good credit score in order to be able to achieve it all. Then they offer a service so that the people who are aiming to achieve those material possesions can have a good credit score for the future.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Best Buy

This advertisement is used for Best Buy. They have Ozzy Osborne as the lead actor and it is trying to show that Best Buy is ahead of its time and is constantly at the forefront in the electronics world. Ozzy is trying to make the commercial, but they keep having to interupt him in order to give him the new upgrade. Every two seconds the technology is upgraded to make the previous one useless.

Best Buy is trying to market their products to the younger generation. All of the people who are in the younger generation have short attention spans and have an attitude that says "I want it to be new and I want it right now". Instant gratification is something that this generation needs and Best Buy is saying that they can satisfy this need.

Their marketing strategy is to show the consumer that if they want the newest and the most quality goods then they should come and shop at Best Buy. With all of the merchandise that they are showing in the commercial, it is easy for the consumer to assume that all of the products that Best Buy has are all the most recent technologies. No one wants an outdated model of any sort of product, and is trying to show that they cater to this. Soon, in the commercial, Ozzy to becomes outdated as they replace him as the spokesperson of the commercial. In the end the consumer believes that no matter what product it is, Best Buy will never try and sell you something that is outdated

Mac v.s. Microsoft

This commercial is Mac vs. PC. The way that Mac portrays their product is, I feel, very clever. They don't attempt to sell you just one product straightforward. They attempt to sell the consumer the brand of the company. I feel that this is a smart move, for if the consumers believe in the brand as a whole, then by default they will believe in all of the products that fall under the Mac brand.

I know many people who have fallen in love with the Apple brand. Not only do they have a Mac computer, but they own every other Mac product as well. If they get the consumer to believe in the brand, then they create a consumer that is loyal. A loyal consumer will stay true to the brand and will not patronize another store and its products. If the brand has loyal consumers, then they can also count on the fact that people will come back for seconds and keep using the brand and its products.

In this particular ad, they are trying to show the consumer that owning a PC in the long run will end up costing more to the consumer. Consumers are always looking for things that will give them the most bang for their buck. This shows them that with Mac they will recieve a higher quality of service and less money will be taken out of your pocket. With better service for less, to the consumer this becomes a no brainer situation. Mac is, no muss and no fuss for less the price of a PC.